OSCAR 3 Black Mountain Offroad Park April 10-13 2014

Well, the price of the Cruise we were supposed to go on doubled and I don't really feel like paying to go on a family cruise (atleast not that much) so it is looking more like I may get to come this year. It will be a decision made much closer to time though as my school/work situation is totally in the air.
Got confirmation that Carolina Driveline will be up there this year again and they are sponsoring the event as well. Registration is open Now, but closes March 17th!
Well my parents called a few days ago saying they may be staying the weekend in Clemson this weekend. I'm trying to talk them out of that weekend but they sounded somewhat set. So hopefully they change their minds and i can make this trip.
Well my parents called a few days ago saying they may be staying the weekend in Clemson this weekend. I'm trying to talk them out of that weekend but they sounded somewhat set. So hopefully they change their minds and i can make this trip.
tell them you have a super awesome event that weekend that only happens once a year haha.
time is ticking! You have a little over a month and a half for final tuning! Harlan, Here we come!

Now is the time for this!

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