After a little thought and not being able to find a rear axle i'd like to run in the rear with the land cruiser front, i'm sticking to what i have and will do something in the front down the road, i like the rear 8.8 and it should be enough. So i kept on working.
Installed the .5" bodylift in about 30 minutes start to finish, i spent more time sorting through the hardware then it took actually putting it all on. Its crazy when your dealing with so little room how much a .5" actually adds. It's pretty much exactly what i was wanting/needing, i couldn't imagine having another .75". I grinded pretty much everything i had left to do on the rear and welded up the spots where i had a boo boo. I mocked up the coil relocator in the rear and tacked it in to when i thought i had a nice position and placement for the axle and coil, pulled out the tape....94" so i obviously cut the tacks and moved it back. After some playing around i found a better location for the coilspring with the wheelbase set at about 99.5" with how it is now, it may change when all said and done. I think i jumped the gun when tacking the coilspring relocator brackets together awhile back as they are fitting the frame like crap so i need to fix that and burn them to the frame, possibly french them in a little if need be. what i'm using
I got creative as i work alone and it was hard throwing that axle around by myself constantly, so i found some tie down straps within arms reach and strapped them to the frame so i could slide the axle easy and it still be supported
I'm pretty much ready now to get everything on and the rear end on the ground. Front brackets got cut off just need to clean the frame. Decided where i wanted the lowers to mount today, haven't looked at the upper. Also need to build the trusses as i have been lazy on that. Spent a lot of time today cleaning up my work area and getting rid of some more trash and stuff thats cluddered up. Plan to get back on it tuesdayish.
Figured out the link separation question and hoping that what i have now should be sufficient. Question though, What should i shoot my pinion angle for? Pretty much just gonna make it look good but i figured if i'm getting technical, i will try and shoot for something.