It had the AA block huggers on it and they were extremely tight to the upper link. So, I tried some for an S-10 LS swap but they hit the upper immediately at the flange. Then I tried some for a C-10 LS swap, they hit the tub. The stainless version block hugger is very close to the AA header I had but with the suspension fully compressed there just isn't enough room.
I should have bought what I used on Ram-Rod day one, but I was being cheap and also wanted to do a V-Band clamp without having to weld it on. Also, the BBK headers were pretty pricey and the coating turned to shit quickly. I ended up finding some ebay specials for a 6.2 Camaro SS (same thing I used on Ram-Rod basicially). They exit at the rear of the block and up fairly high. I think they are going to work, but if not, I will cut the flange off and move it up.
Doesn't look like returns are going to be an issue though, so in the end I won't be out much...