well tonight did not go as smoothly as intended. really all i got done was some more grinding, and the slip yoke eliminator. i can not explain how much i hate snap rings. i either one suck at undoin them, or two had a real ****ty set of snap ring pliers (dont think was the case though cause they were pretty big).
the newer jeeps have a harmonic balancer on them, and if you dont use the 3 bolt holes to try and get it off, it aint going to come off, trust me i beat the hell out of it with a hammer. i used 3 6 mm bolts to get it out, buy the longest 6mm bolts you can find, cause the first ones i bought were not big enough. here is a picture of the piece of trash.
once i got that off, and the snap ring holding the main shaft in, i broke the case apart. be sure to use the designated locations, cause 1 it makes it real easy to seperate and 2 you aint going to mess up your casing.
you gotta take the internals off the one shaft and put it onto the new one.
all back together except for the yoke and i forgot to take a picture of that. dont forget to put the small rubber seal between the yoke and slip yoke eliminator. and you can see my rtv mess

and a picture of the sheet of metal im using for my flat skid. was only 37 bucks, gotta love some surplus steel!
some guy on jeepforum wanted me to go in depth on how i did it, and i just copied and pasted.