Trail Day 7:
Black Bear Pass & Ophir Pass
Our initial plans have obviously changed at this point due to the weather. Locals tell us that Black Bear is open but good luck. We drive to the trail head and start up the trail around 10 AM. We are in the CJ with no heat or top. It's cold but bearable. We make our way around the last bend towards the peak of Black Bear and holy crap it got cold quick. We pull up the the elevation stake and the wind is blowing so hard I have to push the door open. Nobody took notice of the actual temp at the top but my hands went numb in 3 minutes. We had passed a group coming down from the top already and we made the same choice they did. It was way too cold and we were way to unprepared for it to risk getting stuck up there. We opted to go back and take Ophir Pass into Telluride and explore the town and have lunch. We thought of trying to take Imogene back to Ouray but it ended up still being closed so we took some time in Telluride and went to the brewery for a beer before heading back across Ophir.
I can't really give a trail rating for Black Bear as we only did the first leg of it. I assume the rest is equally if not more bad ass. The views in this portion of Colorado are absolutely amazing. We will definitely plan more time in Colorado on the next run. The San Juan's are truly evidence that God is the master creator.

Black Bear Pass & Ophir Pass
Our initial plans have obviously changed at this point due to the weather. Locals tell us that Black Bear is open but good luck. We drive to the trail head and start up the trail around 10 AM. We are in the CJ with no heat or top. It's cold but bearable. We make our way around the last bend towards the peak of Black Bear and holy crap it got cold quick. We pull up the the elevation stake and the wind is blowing so hard I have to push the door open. Nobody took notice of the actual temp at the top but my hands went numb in 3 minutes. We had passed a group coming down from the top already and we made the same choice they did. It was way too cold and we were way to unprepared for it to risk getting stuck up there. We opted to go back and take Ophir Pass into Telluride and explore the town and have lunch. We thought of trying to take Imogene back to Ouray but it ended up still being closed so we took some time in Telluride and went to the brewery for a beer before heading back across Ophir.
I can't really give a trail rating for Black Bear as we only did the first leg of it. I assume the rest is equally if not more bad ass. The views in this portion of Colorado are absolutely amazing. We will definitely plan more time in Colorado on the next run. The San Juan's are truly evidence that God is the master creator.

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