Brought to you by Clemson 4wheel Center and OffroadSC.com
Thursday April 27th
- Preordered Breakfast and Bag lunch pickup @ Putney Pavilion 7-10AM
- Trail Rides Throughout the Day
Friday April 28th
- Preordered Breakfast and Bag lunch pickup @ Putney Pavilion 7-10AM
- 8:00 AM Registration Tent open @ Main Cabin
- Trail Rides Throughout the Day
- 1:00 PM Group Picture Location TBA
Saturday April 29th
- Preordered Breakfast and Bag lunch pickup @ Putney Pavilion 7-10AM
- 8:00 AM Registration Tent open @ Main Cabin
- Trail Rides Throughout the Day
- 12:00 Noon Lion’s Den Clean Sweep
- 7:00 PM BBQ DINNER @ Putney Pavilion
Sunday April 30th
- Last Day to pick up Shirts and Packets. Last call at 10AM.