Offroad SC Annual Ride 2013 (O.S.C.A.R.2)

We are planning on coming as of now, but will have to see when the time gets closer how many rigs we will have. Hopefully mine will be rolling, need to find some surplus cash to get the 44 done. We would not be able to leave until late Thursday, and some people might not be able to come till Friday. I know if I'm bring my Jeep I'm trying as hard as I can to leave Thursday.
Awesome! Hope to see a crew of yall up there!


They finally let us schedule some vacation here at work, so I put my days in this morning for this trip. I can't wait now!!
No, didn't ask. I guess we need to extend ours for wed. Night also? One site at least.
I think I talked with you and greg about this, but what do you think about doing wilderness trails wed night. Or we could leave tuesday and stay at wilderness trails that night then harlan wed night.


With the gooseneck and potentially the popup I don't know about wilderness trails. Also, I figure we'd need some time wednesday to get stuff set up before others come in.
My lab instructor barely speaks English so he probably wouldn't understand me asking him to switch.

And skip 4 classes, I'm not trying to be here for six years :flipoff2:
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My lab instructor barely speaks English so asking he probably wouldn't understand me asking him to switch.

And skip 4 classes, I'm not trying to be here for six years :flipoff2:
Talk to your professor instead. It will be near the end of the semester.... Its the best 6 years of your life haha.:grinpimp:
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Mason, all cool kids get their first degree in six years. Well, I actually got my first (associates) in 2 and then I went to lander for vacation.

On a serious note... I intend to leave Wed. morning 8-9ish and pick up Lando in NC. Set up camp after some Dairy Slut and do the normal 1st day trails and see how fast we can go too. Cause thats always fun.