I made lots of progress this weekend. I always have good intentions of documenting my projects, but as usual, I forgot to take pics... So here's a few pics of the progress.
I was hoping to not open a can of worms with this project. Everything has gone relatively smooth so far. There was only 1 victim of the entire process - a sway bar link broke.
I have a few things I need to get done before reassembly:
- install new brake lines
- clean up the skid plate
- buy some new bolts
- clean up and paint various parts
I removed the front end on Saturday morning.
Body is off, time to pull the engine, trans and tcase.
Engine, trans and tcase installed on new frame (excuse my brother)
Body sans frame
Time to pull the axles off the old frame
Old frame is stripped!
This is what it looks like when a Wrangler explodes in your garage.