There is a huge snafu on the new IOS download.
Heck I set my updates to "MANUAL" on updates. Still haven't updated it from like, 6 months ago or whatever.
Its fine. I don't need new stuff ruining something that is working.
On and I guess an update on the Samsung Galaxy S4. Overall, a decent phone. Pretty quick but pretty standard. No new "wow" features. However my first smartphone was cool, the second one had 4G so that was fast. This one, I mean it works great but there isn't anything wow about it.
It does have an awesome battery in it, though and free wifi hotspot. However Verizon revoked my unlimited data so now I'm on 2 gigs/month. I'm already tapped out in that regards so I actually have my mobile data off right now. That said earlier this month I was running youtube for like, an hour a day off of this phone so I got what I deserved. If I stop that nonsense, use wifi at work and home, then I'll be fine. The battery just lasts for friggen ever. I've been pretty crappy about charging it this week and it really hasn't gotten critically low on power.
Overall, it works and once I roll over on data it'll be super nice.