Mine are 2.5 years and 6 months. I definitely understand the lack of sleep, and all I can say is get used to it
Clippa, I was always amazed/impressed with how much shop time you got with 1. Waiting to see how it works with 2. It's difficult for me to find time to put gas in vehicles any more...
As far as the babies sleeping, my little one has pretty much slept through the night for a couple months, but he wakes up around 5 every morning. I've only had one day in months that I've slept past 6 and it was amazing.
When you decide to let them cry it out, which is harder to do when you're worried about them waking up the older kid, it's usually 3 rough nights. Seams like most things take about 3 days for them to acclimate.
Clippa, I was always amazed/impressed with how much shop time you got with 1. Waiting to see how it works with 2. It's difficult for me to find time to put gas in vehicles any more...
As far as the babies sleeping, my little one has pretty much slept through the night for a couple months, but he wakes up around 5 every morning. I've only had one day in months that I've slept past 6 and it was amazing.
When you decide to let them cry it out, which is harder to do when you're worried about them waking up the older kid, it's usually 3 rough nights. Seams like most things take about 3 days for them to acclimate.
Lucas is starting to do better. He still wakes up occasionally, but the bigger problem is putting him down. He flips out and we are forced to let him cry for 45 minutes or so before he finally caves and falls asleep. It is like he doesn't want to miss anything. I am sure he will get over it. Our bigger issue is getting Mallie to start swapping her days and nights. It is amazing to me how quickly you loose track of how crappy the first few weeks are.