August 13th MCJ Cookout and Shooting Range Day


Only a couple replies on gmail... I'll go through the thread tomorrow and count again. Tripp, where were you planning on getting the butts? They're on sale at Reids.


Name Total What Bringing
Club BBQ and Bread
Brooks 2 Mac and cheese
Larry 2 Cupcakes
Tripp 2 Slaw
Will 2 Cooking
Dick 2 potato Salad
Ed 3 Dessert
Linus 1
Jeff 4 Cups, Plates, paper towels and silverware
Greg 1 Drinks
DJ 1
Michael 2 ?
Ghost - Glenn 1 ?
Terry Hanks 2 ice, sweet tea, taco sauce (homemade) & tortilla chips
Ronnie Allan 2 Baked Beans, Chips
Merwin Woodie 2 Rice Crispy
Total 29
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Anybody heading out Saturday, Take down my number 803.240.8914(Tripp) in case you get mis-orientated (lost) Give me a ring. Its not too Difficult to find. Most difficult turn "on Church Road (Holston Crossroads)" is beside a fallen in building. If you get to Amick farms coming from I-20 Batesburg you have gone too far, Like wise if you get to Batesburg from the Saluda area you have gone too far. Also, Bring shotguns. I have decided to drag out the skeet thrower.

Google Map Again.,+Batesburg-Leesville,+Saluda,+South+Carolina+29006&layer=c&sll=33.915840,-81.607794&cbp=13,146.54,,0,16.32&cbll=33.916085,-81.606946&hl=en&sspn=0.006295,0.006295&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Church+Rd+%26+Topaz+Rd,+Batesburg-Leesville,+Saluda,+South+Carolina+29006&ll=33.916049,-81.607068&spn=0.005315,0.009645&t=h&z=17&panoid=YBHU6IKzp3mnegV4WExqSg
Jeff can't make it and was signed up for plates napkins silverware. I could bring all that but earliest I can come is noonish. will that hold food up too long? I might b able to b thre sooner but don't want to over commit.
Sorry guys, but as Linus said I had something unexpected come up. It's the end of summer so I'm making sure I get all the time in with my kids that I can.
If someone wants to come by today and grab the 2-3 boxes of clays, y'all are more than welcome to them. I have a case of 12 ga shells that everyone is welcome to as well.