Figured bring the welder discussion over here and stop cluttering up the pic thread.
That Lincoln
Ya it's a DC only machine but the guy from weldingtipsandtricks seems to have a lot of good to say about it. For the price, it's a damn good machine, millers multimatic 200 is about $600 more that's pretty comparable to it. Any big brand newer AC tig is gonna be a good bit more because even a 200 amp tig is only rated for like 1/4" on a single pass, you can weld thicker with helium but you have to have a big machine to weld aluminum and you'll want a water cooler.
If I ever have a shop nice enough and the side work to pay for it id buy a Miller xmt 304 and use it for all 3 processes. We used them a lot when I was in school and they are nice. Way over kill for most things I ever weld at home but they are awesome.
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That Lincoln
Ya it's a DC only machine but the guy from weldingtipsandtricks seems to have a lot of good to say about it. For the price, it's a damn good machine, millers multimatic 200 is about $600 more that's pretty comparable to it. Any big brand newer AC tig is gonna be a good bit more because even a 200 amp tig is only rated for like 1/4" on a single pass, you can weld thicker with helium but you have to have a big machine to weld aluminum and you'll want a water cooler.
If I ever have a shop nice enough and the side work to pay for it id buy a Miller xmt 304 and use it for all 3 processes. We used them a lot when I was in school and they are nice. Way over kill for most things I ever weld at home but they are awesome.
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