Well I had a blast; even with all the problems I had lol.... I strongly recommend all the required list, plus possibly a hi lift and small jack, rtv and jb weld....Also lots of tools and spare parts
So it started out great. Having a blast first time driving the jeep a long distance, and talking trash the whole way even when we where stuck in traffic the truck drivers made it not so bad. Well I believe I used just about everything possible on this trip. Just got the 44s under and never tested them out so it was a test round to show me what I needed to improve. Well I want lockers again; Plate the truss, smaller rear shocks, and a few other odds and ends. So basically I started out:
I broke the caps on the drive shaft (had a spare end)
Pushed the truss through the oil pan (had to rtv it lol and throw my old oil back in after catching it in a cup)
Bent the truss
Then caught the jeep on fire
Broke the valve stem on my tire had to put the spare on
Over heated
Caught the jeep on fire again
Got stuck a few times (Had Gillis tow me out)
Then on the way out my jeep cut off and the battery died the alt was clogged with mud and I had a replacement with me so I swapped it out and made it home
Then after driving awhile had to rip off the dust shields thank god for ss brake lines or I would have no brakes