He switches from Jeeps to motorcycles and hits the desert! There were Jeeps there too. 
This is taken directly from the message Tony sent me yesterday!
We loaded up Saturday late afternoon (after working a full day) and headed out to the Hammers.
We took Jordan's Jeep and Jami and I took bikes. We were to be joined be several more friends Sunday morning for a full day of wheeling and riding.
We camped in our normal spot be the bridge on Boone Rd. with TJ Flores (famous desert racer) and talked by the fire after BBQ'n till late.
The next morning the wind and sand were blowing worse than I ever remember, so we tried to wait it out and watch a little NASCAR racing on TV.
Once everyone arrived we decided to try a different area of the Mojave desert, hoping it would be less windy. So we loaded back up and drove about 45 miles to Stoddard Wells.
We parked at the popular and famous Slash X Ranch and took off!
The Jeeps wheeled both canyons of Pumpkin Eater and those of us on dirt bikes rode our butts off.
We ended back at the Slash X Ranch for frosty beverages and burgers - it was a nice relaxing day with family and friends!

This is taken directly from the message Tony sent me yesterday!
We loaded up Saturday late afternoon (after working a full day) and headed out to the Hammers.

We took Jordan's Jeep and Jami and I took bikes. We were to be joined be several more friends Sunday morning for a full day of wheeling and riding.

We camped in our normal spot be the bridge on Boone Rd. with TJ Flores (famous desert racer) and talked by the fire after BBQ'n till late.

The next morning the wind and sand were blowing worse than I ever remember, so we tried to wait it out and watch a little NASCAR racing on TV.

Once everyone arrived we decided to try a different area of the Mojave desert, hoping it would be less windy. So we loaded back up and drove about 45 miles to Stoddard Wells.
We parked at the popular and famous Slash X Ranch and took off!

The Jeeps wheeled both canyons of Pumpkin Eater and those of us on dirt bikes rode our butts off.
We ended back at the Slash X Ranch for frosty beverages and burgers - it was a nice relaxing day with family and friends!