So I have some updates to the build with pics the chry 8.25 is 99% finished with just the lines needing to be modified here is what it has. To start I stuffed one of these in there for good mesure
And spoke to the guys at SOLID and they came through with
Got some fresh
And a complete bearing, race, and seal kit so everything on this axel will be brand new.
Ordered these
Screwed up and got them for a 99 and not a 98 My fault

issed: So now I need to find someone with a 99 that needs these and pads to get rid of them to buy more stuff. Ended up getting replacements from the local zone they had everything in stock. Painted the calipers
and commenced to building the axel. Pics of that in a little while. And yes I did do the disc conversion from the grand while I was at it . Anyone know if someone makes braded stainless lines for the rear calipers?