thats sick, is it aluminum or stainless?
If that was made from the devils metal (stainless) the price would be 10x that of aluminum or steel. You cant make that ish do anything but be flat panels.
Seeing a larger pic of it, i'm honestly not sure how much it would cost to build. You can faintly tell where it was welded together and made from smaller pieces and put together. You could make a pretty trick looking dash with a break, a couple different pieces of pipe to shape with and a set of snips. Throw a DA sander too it and it looks badass. You can make a flat dash look better just by using a bead roller to put some beads and insets in it. Using thinner metal makes it easier to shape and lighter and throwing beads in it will strengthen it up big time.
I want to get a Pullmax machine for my garage shop some day. The things you can do with them are endless. From shaping metal, beading metal, cutting metal, to bending tube...etc