OffroadSC Annual Ride 2012



There is a thread on hardline about that weekend now. Looks like there is gonna be a bunch people there
Really? I saw one on there about March 16th or somthing. Grey Rock Spring Fling is that weekend in April so I figured most of them will be there.


Is it South Evarts RV Park? Is there a website with the layout or anything? She said 2 or 6 would have been fine and I went with 6...

Are there hookups?
I heard this is now open, anyone down?

Unless they have changed it around it was expensive. And I don't see myself ever trusting the way it was put together by a man from Harlan ky
I think he was refering to the sketchiness of the craftsmanship. When you see it (unless it has changed since late October) I think you will renig. But if you guys do it, i'll deff. wish you luck.
I think he was refering to the sketchiness of the craftsmanship. When you see it (unless it has changed since late October) I think you will renig. But if you guys do it, i'll deff. wish you luck.
oh, i see... from the videos the platforms look decent. Guess I may have to check them out while we are there.
The platforms are nice. The actual zip line was the part that had me leery. They weren't very high up in some points and the way they had them put together was somewhat sketch IMO. They had just got them finished when we were there though. I'd check them out very good before I hopped on one. They are probably in better shape now though. Atleast, i'd hope.