hahaha....Well....There were a few issues here...one might be considered a Dukes move
Middle of winter, I came out of a gas station and power slid/drifted through an intersection....doing about 45
The other was a buddy of mine and his girlfriend went on a paint ball "Drive-by" shooting practice through the mall parking lot at 1am taking shots at signs and other random crap. We stopped to help some girl whose exhaust had fallen off, and the mall cops came by and asked what we were doing. Told him just driving through, and we left. Apparently he didn't buy that, called the cops and about 3 hours later when we finally came back to my house, there was a road block waiting for us with about 4 cop cars...That was when I found out that a paintball gun was considered a fire arm and was subject to the same fines as firing a handgun in public in NY...luckily we were just ticketed and went on our way....
Well I was in college in MA at the time, so I guess I "forgot" about the court dates, and they suspended my licence. It took 12 and 14 year for those to catch back up with me....
I have one of them squared away, but the other is pending, so I have to wait to see what happens....This was all done in a 1990 Geo Priszm LSI Hatchback...
...The sunroof made for a fun Paintball Drive-by experience

I was pretty good at hitting a moving target hahaha..