MCJ Club BBQ, Pool and Range Day June 16th

Updated (please post up if you are bringing something for the dinner)

Attendees and what they are bringing:

-Brooks and Andrea (charcoal and chips and maybe a side)
-Larry and Burgundy (Dessert and Drinks)
-Cole and Stacey (Chips)
-Lafe and Marcia (Cole Slaw and Banana Pudding)
Hopefully we will have a solid number by next week. That way people will have time to get the stuff. Last year there were around 25-30 people that ate from what I remember
Is this at the same location as last year? I believe I came out for that. Had that great rain. LOL! Some good time shooting too.
yup, same location, maybe this year we can dodge the rain:grin:
I will be at Mom and Dad's house down the road from there. If I am welcome I might drag the kids up there. Depends on weather Mom and Dad who are in town from Florida have anything planned. There is a good run on the S. Edisto not far from there. Brooks you run rivers dont you?
Just sent the email with directions and attendees list. If you didnt get the email and your a club member let me know and I can get you added to the list. I dont think we have updated the email roster in the last few meetings.