It LIVES!!!!!¤t=VIDEO0089.mp4
Hope to drive it tomorrow when i get the clutch adjusted. It is running real rough, possibly missing a cylinder. I pulled plug #1 and it ran with no problem, put back and pulled #2 and it died. plugged 2 back in and started it ran, then i pulled plug 3 and it died. Plugged 3 back in and then started and last pulled plug 4 and it kept running. Odd. I put my timing light to it and it didnt want to work with the teeny tiny plug wires for the inductive pickup. It wants to die if you give it gas at the pedal. It seems to be getting a little better than when i first started it but it just isnt right yet.¤t=VIDEO0089.mp4

Hope to drive it tomorrow when i get the clutch adjusted. It is running real rough, possibly missing a cylinder. I pulled plug #1 and it ran with no problem, put back and pulled #2 and it died. plugged 2 back in and started it ran, then i pulled plug 3 and it died. Plugged 3 back in and then started and last pulled plug 4 and it kept running. Odd. I put my timing light to it and it didnt want to work with the teeny tiny plug wires for the inductive pickup. It wants to die if you give it gas at the pedal. It seems to be getting a little better than when i first started it but it just isnt right yet.