July 18th MCJ Monthly Meeting at Carolina Wings on St. Andrews

Guys and Gals its that time of the month. Time to come on out and talk jeep for a few hours. We will be meeting at the usual spot. Meeting starts at 7:00pm but we will be there around 6 to hang out.

Do we want to do the Wing buffet again this time?

We will be discussing the upcoming Grand Slam Trip, Shooting Range and Cookout Day, and the Labor Day Windrock Trip.

Also, I think I'll have some new MCJ goodies for yall...:grinpimp:
I have class tonight. Arrrggg! I guess I won't be able to come out to ask JR a thousand questions about his XJ, again. Once Fall semester begins, my XJ should become a regular ornament in the parking lot though.
July Meeting Minutes:

We discussed the budget and how much money we have as a club. We will be paying for the new koozie order as well as the food for the Club BBQ in August out of the club account.

We did a recap on the recent events:

July 4th: Peach Parade, ECORS Race, Gulches , GulcheFest

We discussed upcoming trips and events:

July 29-31: Grand Slam at Harlan, KY. - Group from Clemson is leaving friday evening if you are interested in joining up.

August 6: Gulches Chartity Event with the Tennis Ball Contest

August 13: Club Cookout and Shooting Range Day - meet at 12 noon and we will be doing dinner at 5pm.

September 2-5: Windrock Labor Day Trip - Group will be leaving thursday night to camp off I40 at 4wd road and head to Windrock Friday morning. We need ideas for shirt logo/slogan for the trip.

Later in the fall: We discussed a Carolina Beach Trip as a club and camping on the beach.

We are going to look into Hats with the MCJ logo on it for some members.

Coozies should be in before the Club BBQ in august.

Everyone that attended the meeting last night and signed the roster will get a Coozie on the house.