We met up with Jody (highpockets) and his brother, Scott and A.J., and Chase at Bill and Frans, had some breakfast, and got on the road around 8:00. Just before we got to I-385, my truck started having issues. We were towing double, 70ish, pulling the hills fine, but when we crested a hill and backed off the throttle it would lose throttle response. It wouldn't take any throttle input going down the hill, then it would pick back up and run fine up the next hill. We pulled off at the first rest area on 385. Didn't see any thing wrong so I googled "LB7 Duramax no throttle response" and the first result that came
up was exactly what mine was doing. It said it was an overboost condition and happened sometimes with tuners. So, I pulled out the tuner (had code P0234 overboost), so I returned it to stock programming. We hit the road again (down 73hp and 120 ft-lbs :frowny
We got to Jocassee around 10:15 I think. We got the trail map, talked to Paul a little bit, and headed out.
The park looks like it is basically broken up into 3 pieces. We started in the upper right of the map. We went up 15 to 14 and to Lil Johnny Hill. I went to the top but it was dug out so we turned around. We started up 13 but Chase's Limo couldn't fit between a couple trees. Dad and I ran 13 and 12 and met back up on 16. We went to the end of 16 and there is tons of potential up there. There's a huge rock garden but it is right on the property line. They said they're trying to work a land trade to aquire all of it. On our way back down 16, Scott got a log hung under his Jeep that broke the clutch line. He tried to patch it with rubber hose and hose clamps but that didn't work. It was after 12:00 now so we headed back to the office for lunch.
After lunch, Scott headed off to the nearest parts store. We headed down G1 to trail 22 and up to 28. We were told that of the two hills, the one on 28 is easier than on 35 (not true). This is where the day went south...
I walked down the hill to check it out and about died climbing back up. At this point, another group had stacked up behind us and there was no turning around. I started down in 1st gear, low range, trying to go easy on the brakes. The sami started sliding, I tried to catch it, ended up sliding straight towards a tree. I was able to stop, spin backwards to slide the back end over, and get around the tree and down.
Chase was next. He hit my same ruts and went straight towards the tree. He was able to stop before hitting it, but he couldn't back up or slide at all. We hooked his winch to a tree on the other side of the trail and started pulling, but he was getting closer and closer to the tree. I got as high as I could and hooked my winch to the back and we basically pulled the JK sideways back on the trial.
Next was Jody in a stock TJ on all terrains. We knew this wasn't going to be good. We wedged Dad's sami into some trees at the top of the hill, hooked his cable to Jody, and basically repelled him down the hill. That pulled Dad's into the trees and one was wedged inside the tire and against the fender. The guy behind him had to winch him out of the trees. He was able to get down ok by staying on undesturbed ground far to the left.
There were two more hills that looked like there was nothing to them, but were super slick. The mud just caked in the tires and would not clean out. The first hill, Chase, Jody, a YJ, a 4Runner, a couple Gators, and I winched. While we were waiting on all of this traffic jamb to winch the second hill, we moved some logs and Dad was able to stay on undesturbed ground and made it (noticing a pattern).
This was the last hill. Chase was the first up and the 4 wheeler got impatient.
By the time I got to the last hill it was really torn up. I backed up as far as I could to the creek and took a hard run at it. I started sliding to the right, and the right rear hit undesturbed ground and caught traction, which pitched me to the left. I tried to feather it to get traction but it was too late. I was sliding completely sideways, down the side of the hill. I turned left and floored it and it pulled out and ran back down the hill... I turned around and got as far as I could, and winched again...
It was after 4:00 by this time, so we got out on 52 I believe, then rode down to look at the end of G1, but did not get to see anything below G1.
Parking lot on the way out.

up was exactly what mine was doing. It said it was an overboost condition and happened sometimes with tuners. So, I pulled out the tuner (had code P0234 overboost), so I returned it to stock programming. We hit the road again (down 73hp and 120 ft-lbs :frowny
We got to Jocassee around 10:15 I think. We got the trail map, talked to Paul a little bit, and headed out.

The park looks like it is basically broken up into 3 pieces. We started in the upper right of the map. We went up 15 to 14 and to Lil Johnny Hill. I went to the top but it was dug out so we turned around. We started up 13 but Chase's Limo couldn't fit between a couple trees. Dad and I ran 13 and 12 and met back up on 16. We went to the end of 16 and there is tons of potential up there. There's a huge rock garden but it is right on the property line. They said they're trying to work a land trade to aquire all of it. On our way back down 16, Scott got a log hung under his Jeep that broke the clutch line. He tried to patch it with rubber hose and hose clamps but that didn't work. It was after 12:00 now so we headed back to the office for lunch.
After lunch, Scott headed off to the nearest parts store. We headed down G1 to trail 22 and up to 28. We were told that of the two hills, the one on 28 is easier than on 35 (not true). This is where the day went south...
I walked down the hill to check it out and about died climbing back up. At this point, another group had stacked up behind us and there was no turning around. I started down in 1st gear, low range, trying to go easy on the brakes. The sami started sliding, I tried to catch it, ended up sliding straight towards a tree. I was able to stop, spin backwards to slide the back end over, and get around the tree and down.
Chase was next. He hit my same ruts and went straight towards the tree. He was able to stop before hitting it, but he couldn't back up or slide at all. We hooked his winch to a tree on the other side of the trail and started pulling, but he was getting closer and closer to the tree. I got as high as I could and hooked my winch to the back and we basically pulled the JK sideways back on the trial.

Next was Jody in a stock TJ on all terrains. We knew this wasn't going to be good. We wedged Dad's sami into some trees at the top of the hill, hooked his cable to Jody, and basically repelled him down the hill. That pulled Dad's into the trees and one was wedged inside the tire and against the fender. The guy behind him had to winch him out of the trees. He was able to get down ok by staying on undesturbed ground far to the left.
There were two more hills that looked like there was nothing to them, but were super slick. The mud just caked in the tires and would not clean out. The first hill, Chase, Jody, a YJ, a 4Runner, a couple Gators, and I winched. While we were waiting on all of this traffic jamb to winch the second hill, we moved some logs and Dad was able to stay on undesturbed ground and made it (noticing a pattern).
This was the last hill. Chase was the first up and the 4 wheeler got impatient.

By the time I got to the last hill it was really torn up. I backed up as far as I could to the creek and took a hard run at it. I started sliding to the right, and the right rear hit undesturbed ground and caught traction, which pitched me to the left. I tried to feather it to get traction but it was too late. I was sliding completely sideways, down the side of the hill. I turned left and floored it and it pulled out and ran back down the hill... I turned around and got as far as I could, and winched again...
It was after 4:00 by this time, so we got out on 52 I believe, then rode down to look at the end of G1, but did not get to see anything below G1.
Parking lot on the way out.

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