We stopped on the way to Sparta and cleaned up the muddy and wet camping gear with the intention of camping at Golden mountain. Unfortunately Golden mountain's staff does not man their trail office after hours on the weekend. Their website says they are open Friday at 6am through Sunday 6pm but.... So we got a hotel room in Cookeville and got a much needed shower and good nights sleep. Sunday morning I called the park and made sure they were open and we headed out. We arrived about 10 minutes later with no one to be found. After a couple of calls and a couple of hours they finally showed up. We paid and were on our way. Golden Mountain rates their trails Green, Orange, and Red. Let me tell you what...Green trails required (they were wet) every bit of 35's, Lockers front and rear, and a winch! We attempted two different Orange trails; the first stopped us dead in our tracks and required us to turn around (fun with a four door JK) the second started out fine..fun and challenging. The end of the trail was a whole nother story. The Camel trophy Amazon ain't seen nothing like the steep, off camber, and super slick muddy hill that lay before us. So steep and slick that stopped the JK dead in tracks and tried to throw it off the hill. Sooo steep and slick I had to climb on my hands and knees to get up the trail. Five full winch pulls later, interupted by the cable coming off the drum, The Jk was at the top. I promptly played slip and slide to the bottom and turned the TJ around. We had an absolute blast at Golden mountain. I should note that although the staff was not attentive (they left park after we were on the trail) or prompt, they were very trusting and hospitable. They allowed us to store our camping gear under their large overhang and gave us full run of the park and facilities. The days wheeling was plagued with rain off and on but it only added to the challenge and kept the heat away. Again we packed up at dusk and were on our way to Windrock.
Hard to see but, the jeep is almost sideways and the rear axle is hanging off the side of the hill...Winch time!