December 7-9 MCJ Christmas Trip @ Uwharrie NF

taking suggestions for dinners and breakfast that yall want to do.

I think one dinner will the the Baked Pizza Spaghetti that we have made in the past.

Anyone have any requests or ideas for another dinner and a breakfast?
In order to keep the prices down where we can afford to do them with your cabin fees we need to look at doing a one color shirt. We can have them made on any number of color shirts as long as its not white. what do yall think of the logo in single color?

What are some suggestions for shirt color?

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The two colors looks more classy rather than multiple colors, the colors looks kind of childish personally and I agree with Tripp but I shirt is a shirt, I'll wear anything

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Alright, Last Call on people going to Uwharrie, we are finalizing shirts and our budget for the trip.

If you are not on this list, and plan to attend, Let me Know ASAP!!! Also, if you are on the list or not, anyone that wants a shirt that fits them needs to fill out this order form so we can get the correct colors and sizes for everyone. there will be no extras ordered.

So if you do not fill this out you dont get a shirt!


List of Paid

Brooks *
Andrea *
Larry *
Burgundy *
Chase *
Jimbo *

* indicates that we have your shirt order form.
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Marcus, if you want some real deal holyfield shine I can get some. Got a guy local now. As of a few weeks back he had straight, apple pie, peach, and bananna.