I just cant keep things around. i sold off the M38a1 that i had and i had an open space in the Stewart car lot
Today i found a good deal on a 1984 Toyota FJ60 Land Cruiser.
The guy was moving and he did not want to take it with him this time.
It has sat for a few years. he hit a deer and left it at a storage lot while he collected the parts to fix it.
It doesnt run yet, but it does turn over. The dash is apart from the prvious owner trying to repair the dah pad and the wipers.
It needs some TLC and has rust but not rotted out like most are.
It was filthy from sitting in the lot, i got it cleaned up pretty good this evening.
cleaned up
Today i found a good deal on a 1984 Toyota FJ60 Land Cruiser.
The guy was moving and he did not want to take it with him this time.
It has sat for a few years. he hit a deer and left it at a storage lot while he collected the parts to fix it.
It doesnt run yet, but it does turn over. The dash is apart from the prvious owner trying to repair the dah pad and the wipers.
It needs some TLC and has rust but not rotted out like most are.
It was filthy from sitting in the lot, i got it cleaned up pretty good this evening.

cleaned up