I bought this CB Radio back about 3 years ago for $20. It was from a buddy that had it in his wrecker but sold the wrecker and so on. I also got a magnetic antenna with it. It has rode around in the trunk of my car for the past 3 years and I have never even tried it. I decided tonight I would hook it up to my battery and see if it works. I hooked it up and didnt realize what kind of radio I had. I turned it on and everything lit up and came on. My issue is I have no idea how to use this radio. I checked the back of the radio and the tag has it labeled as a Yaesu FT-227R Memorizer. I looked it up on google and it looks like this radio was discontinued. Also it says it has 800 channels?? The last little cobra I had only had 19 channels so it was easy to get together with my buddies on the same channel but how do I get to the regular channels on this bad boy with 800 channels? I also have no idea what the smaller knobs are on the top left of the CB. The last one I had 8-9 years ago was a cheap cobra I bought from Walmart that only had a volume and a channel knob on it. There is also a burst on and off switch on the back with another high and low switch. Any ideas? Lastly I am putting this in my b2 and I am trying to figure out how to run the antenna into the cab from the roof. Any ideas there? I don't know about running it through the door because it will cause water to leak into the cab. Also I don't think my cable that is attached to the antenna is long enough to go too far. I know this is a lot in one thread but thanks for any help!