NO Public Land Trails in SC

I agree that management of the property, and associated liabilities, are a significant concern.

I'm not holding my breath for any full size ORV access on SC state owned land with the current economic environment.

By SCEPA you must mean SCDHEC. There will be some erosion and sediment control issues with disturbed land, just like with grading land for development but I don't think those will be so onerous, arbitrary and/or capricious that they will keep a full size vehicle ORV park from opening in SC on private land.
USEPA's locally represented by SCDHEC, but still another entity to contend with. The overall problem isn't with private land I was more so speaking of the Gov. owned lands. They do have reach onto private lands as well, and will lean on anyone they do not like. They don't like the 4x4 community as a whole. All they see is the redneck trash asses that trespass, and destroy property. It's an unfortunate stereotype that goes along with our sport.
USEPA's locally represented by SCDHEC, but still another entity to contend with. The overall problem isn't with private land I was more so speaking of the Gov. owned lands. They do have reach onto private lands as well, and will lean on anyone they do not like. They don't like the 4x4 community as a whole. All they see is the redneck trash asses that trespass, and destroy property. It's an unfortunate stereotype that goes along with our sport.
USEPA and SCDHEC are two separate entities. The USEPA does delegate select programs and authorities from the federal to the state level but I would not say that SCDHEC is the USEPA's "local representitive." If you were looking to open an off road park you would be dealing with SCDHEC regulations.
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Not to get off subject to far.
Check it out for yourself.
SC falls in district 4 of USEPA, and locally rep. through the SCDHEC, as well as through SCDNR. So your correct that there is not an official SCEPA, but I assure you the enforcement officers paperwork have the EPA logo as well as SCDHEC. The individual inspector or enforcement officer has some federal power, and can refer the case to a federal agent as they see fit. I have been through all this with work, and the handling of hazmat. It's all a sorted mess, and an alphabet of federal & state agencies.
Which is why I said that the EPA delegates some authorities and powers to the state level (SCDHEC). I also deal with SCDHEC routinely with my clients. We look to be on the same page.