I read this but never replied.
Alot of the jobs i came across online used a temp service, i think kinda a way to get the word out there so that the companys didn't have to do it themselves. The ones that didnt use a service, seem to make you work a certain amount of time before you were hired on full time or atleast recieve benefits and what not.
I actually just took a job working at a place in Taylors called Current tool, same place David works mig welding making tools for electricians or something of that sort. It wasn't really what i was looking to do, but its 2.5 miles from my Apartment, good hours, a familiar face to work with and pay/benefits seemed to be pretty good. Most of the jobs i was looking at were anywhere from 14-50 miles away from my apartment, and although i don't mind a little ride, it isn't ideal for me right now. I believe i'll be starting monday or early next week so we'll see how it goes. I figure if David hasn't gotten fired by them yet, they'll love me
My plan is to work here for awhile and get some welding experience of some sort and maybe late spring or summer of next year try and get in welding some kind of tube or pipe at a place outside of Spartanburg called boiler tube of america where a buddy of mine works or try and get in with the shaw group, both of these would give me great exposure to a lot of different things. Both of those companies and a lot of the welding industries work has been kind of hit or miss lately, my buddy who works at BTA said they would likely close shop if Obama was to get re-elected because alot of what they build goes into coal burning plants which have been losing work and closing down. I don't know if thats the fate of that industry anyways or what but thats what he seemed to think...
Working outtages, like what duddy does, is balling and you make a lot of money for a short period of time, but it's not consistent work. Most people that do that only do it for parts of the year, mostly later in the year, and either chill the rest of the time or have a place to come back to. I think they just went out to Wyoming from what i seen on facebook. Maybe one day i'd try and do work like that closer to home (wherever that will be) but my GF doesn't want me being gone that far away for so long.
I looked into commercial diving and going to a school for that for a few months but i talked myself out of it. While it is hella money and a lot of fun from what i hear, i don't like water that much, nor do i care to know what alls at the bottom of wherever i am. Repairing ships is one thing, but going to the bottom of a man hole and finding an alligator aint my cup of tea.
Alot of the jobs i came across online used a temp service, i think kinda a way to get the word out there so that the companys didn't have to do it themselves. The ones that didnt use a service, seem to make you work a certain amount of time before you were hired on full time or atleast recieve benefits and what not.
I actually just took a job working at a place in Taylors called Current tool, same place David works mig welding making tools for electricians or something of that sort. It wasn't really what i was looking to do, but its 2.5 miles from my Apartment, good hours, a familiar face to work with and pay/benefits seemed to be pretty good. Most of the jobs i was looking at were anywhere from 14-50 miles away from my apartment, and although i don't mind a little ride, it isn't ideal for me right now. I believe i'll be starting monday or early next week so we'll see how it goes. I figure if David hasn't gotten fired by them yet, they'll love me

My plan is to work here for awhile and get some welding experience of some sort and maybe late spring or summer of next year try and get in welding some kind of tube or pipe at a place outside of Spartanburg called boiler tube of america where a buddy of mine works or try and get in with the shaw group, both of these would give me great exposure to a lot of different things. Both of those companies and a lot of the welding industries work has been kind of hit or miss lately, my buddy who works at BTA said they would likely close shop if Obama was to get re-elected because alot of what they build goes into coal burning plants which have been losing work and closing down. I don't know if thats the fate of that industry anyways or what but thats what he seemed to think...
Working outtages, like what duddy does, is balling and you make a lot of money for a short period of time, but it's not consistent work. Most people that do that only do it for parts of the year, mostly later in the year, and either chill the rest of the time or have a place to come back to. I think they just went out to Wyoming from what i seen on facebook. Maybe one day i'd try and do work like that closer to home (wherever that will be) but my GF doesn't want me being gone that far away for so long.
I looked into commercial diving and going to a school for that for a few months but i talked myself out of it. While it is hella money and a lot of fun from what i hear, i don't like water that much, nor do i care to know what alls at the bottom of wherever i am. Repairing ships is one thing, but going to the bottom of a man hole and finding an alligator aint my cup of tea.