
This past weekend we stayed in Murphy in a cabin off hanging dog rod and I took a short trip up to our old stomping grounds to Tellico. I did not hike the trails as I just did not have the time. I still plan on having someone drop me off and I plan to walk to system in full and camp as well. But, this trip opened my eyes to what is happening up there. And for those who think there is still a chance on it opening or access to the trails again... not gonna happen. When I came to Chucks cabins, they were basically abandoned looking. All the carnage was removed from the parking lot wall, jeep in the parking area was gone and all overgrown. There was a sign a little farther up the paved road for sale but not sure for what. Surprisingly, trail 1 is still dirt and the trail to upper 2 is still there but it looks like it was widened and some trees cut for timber. I did not hike to the top but plan too. I would imagine it is all filled in up there. It looked like they built up the trail to support wide trucks and equipment. The pay station was all overgrown and outhouse removed. Culverts and a heavy dozer were parked there.The closer you get to trail 4 there were some areas of clear cut sections on the left. Not sure why, to me it almost looked as though they did it to see the views from the road? Maybe to entice some land buying??? As I rounded the corner to T4, There was a road closed sign and barriers set up with some earth moving equipment, but I went on around Grin Trail 4 was gated and looked like it was graveled, atleast what I could see from the road. About 1/4 mile past that there was a huge clear cut opening where the old road went off to the right and a new road system was being made down to the left. As you kept going, the old trail ended about 1/4 mile or so at the sharp bend left heading down. I would say it was about another mile until the bridge crossing where you could get to trail 5 that the road was gone. At the end of that was a huge open area where heavy equipment and alot of blasting was going on. Huge rocks and slabs uncovered under the dirt and what appeared to be the new road coming in from somewhere. You could see the old road T1, and a gate blocking it, but not sure what they are doing. I would bet that they are selling lots now and clearing it all out. Looked like a subdivision was going in by the way it was shaped up. Very sad to see it all. So for those thinking it might be open again, sorry, it is officially over. I plan on doing a fall trip and hike for 2 days or so when it cools off. I just want to see what has changed and relive some old memories Cry