OffroadSC Annual Ride 2012

I haven't heard anything about it but I thought it was farther west???
it is, thats why I figured I would go up there while I was up there... I dont get up there very often, and I dont think I would make a trip there just for it.

its actually the same time to get from columbia to it as harlan, and its 20 minutes from harlan.
Hopefully it displaced the real killer of tellico, some rich fawk who didn't want to hear mudtires ride by his million dollar mountain cabin


If no one is going to Evarts campground on Wed. I may stop by there and camp if its close. But I will be up later that day.


10 more days after today! If you know someone that hasn't registered and is planning to, kindly remind them that the deadline is quickly approaching.
Marcus had asked me about the Wilderness Trails Camping... its free

here is a blurb from their website:

We here in Bell County would like to invite you to come and visit Wilderness Trail Off-Road Park in the mountains of southeast Kentucky. We are located on the Kentucky-Virginia-Tennessee state line, in the shadow of the famous Cumberland Gap. The park entrance is on US Highway 119 about seven miles from the US Highway 25E turn off, on what is locally known as the ‘Bridge to Nowhere’. It now leads somewhere: to 9,000 acres of great scenery and off-road trails, as well as camping and fishing spots. And the best part: the trail riding, primitive camping, and fishing are COMPLETELY FREE . We hope that visitors will take the money they have saved from not having to buy permits and spend it in our local businesses instead.