Oh good gawd... page 12 here we come! :shaking: :grin:
People who ride to the end of the interstate on-ramps side by side with you and look over at you, while you happen to be trapped in the right lane because everyone in America is flying around you at 80 and they can't figure out how to either speed up or slow down to "MERGE" into traffic which is what they are SUPPOSED to do.
Last time I went to Gulches I was on hwy 129 bypass about 2 miles from the intersection of 221 and had two punk*** hick kids in a Ford Expedition try to play death race with me in my Jeep!

issed: Bad idea! I was doing 55 and he ran up behind me doing at least 80 and rode my tail for about 1/4 mile. Long enough to get me really steamed. When the lane widened to two lanes uphill he whipped over into the right lane and flew past me like I was in his way. I threw my hand up like "no context" and he saw me do it so he started to play games. He slowed way down to 30 and threw a bird out the window and yelled something to the effect of "again, no context". So I gladly gave him one back. We rode in this fashion for about 1 miles before we got to another widened section where he merges over as if egging me on to pass him. OK. I put about 4,000 rpm of second gear on him and then he sped up as well. We were both doing 70+ uphill and he was so concerned about yelling smack out the window to me that he didn't see that the lane he was in only had another 50 yards left in it. :grin: As soon as I see this I floored it and he also sped up but funny part was I guess he underestimated the potency of a 4.0, or how weak his 5.4 is, couldn't make it up to speed fast enough to pass me on pavement and he had to take the grass route. 100 yards later he's locking up the brakes and sliding sideways onto a side street almost flipping his POS. I slowed down to nearly a stop and gave a few "no contexts, yada yada, yada, bump u's.... brrrrr.... stick'ems" before I went on my way. This was totally uncalled for. Good thing I didn't have my pistol! :hnd: