August 15th MCJ Meeting

Carolina Wings on St. Andrews at 7pm

we will have the buffet. Come hang out and hear about all the cool trips we have coming up.

We will have the koozies and shirts as well as stickers for club members. Come on down.
Thanks for all those who came out to the meeting. We had a good time and got a lot done.

- Linus relayed the budget and we discussed what we spent on the coozies and the Club bbq.

- We went over our recent trips:

-- Gulches Charity event went over Great and MidCarolina Jeepers Placed 1st in the Mild and Wild Classes. A big Congradulations to Larry, Greg, and Tracey. Good work guys!!!

-- The Club BBQ and Shooting Range went well, we had some rain but it didnt stop us. Thanks to Will and the others who helped plan this event to make it such a fun time. Hope to do it again!

- We discussed our upcoming trips:

-- September 2-5th Windrock Labor Day Trip. There will be a group leaving thursday night to camp in NC on the way up to Windrock. If you are interested in camping thurs night contact Brooks, Its free and you'll get to ride some trails. There is also a group leaving Friday morning to head up to windrock. There will be members of MCJ there from friday-monday so if you come up any time during that period you will have a great time.

-- October 8th is the Gilbert Rec Center Fundraiser, they have a car show and slowest tractor race. We have been invited to come out there. We will discuss it more at our next meeting.
-- Irmo Okra Strut is coming up in September. We need more info on this. I think we have done it in the past so anyone with some info let us know what we should do to get the ball rolling.

Coozies are $2 each or 3 for $5 if anyone is interested.

Thanks again for coming out, See yall at WINDROCK!!!