Attn Chump Change

Trying to locate him. The number I have for him is no longer in service. Don't even know his real name so can't track him down on bookface.
@Chump Change, we need to see some updates on that YJ of yours!
Very slow going. Chuck has the Motobuilt back half added, we put in the Novak 700R4 (reverse manual valve body) and Atlas 2 speed 4.3. The steering box is moved forward, high steer arms mounted to Reids, front bumper fab ongoing, and body just placed over drivetrain for fitment. Chuck has been busy with work and he has completely rebuilt his Wrangler into a tube buggy. My YJ hasn't seen much love lately. I hope that changes soon.

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Very slow going. Chuck has the Motobuilt back half added, we put in the Novak 700R4 (reverse manual valve body) and Atlas 2 speed 4.3. The steering box is moved forward, high steer arms mounted to Reids, front bumper fab ongoing, and body just placed over drivetrain for fitment. Chuck has been busy with work and he has completely rebuilt his Wrangler into a tube buggy. My YJ hasn't seen much love lately. I hope that changes soon.

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That looks amazing! Huge change from the little flop at Gulches.